
Repairing Winter Damage In Your Garden

Winter Garden Damage – What Now? Winter can offer obstacles for our gardens.  Cold, snow, ice, freeze/thaw cycles, wind, salt from treating roads and sidewalks are a few that spring to mind. Most of those obstacles can be readily overcome, but some are more challenging. Cold, Snow, Freeze/Thaw Cycles – In Other Words, Normal Winter Repairing Winter Damage In Your Garden

Bring in Your Tropical Plants Now!

Have you got hibiscus, mandevilla, or other tropical plants you don’t want to say goodbye to for the winter? Follow these simple steps and you will be able to enjoy your tropical plants again next summer.

Wild Garlic or Wild Onion?

Which one do you have in your lawn or garden?            Wild Garlic                                         Wild Onion Both are perennial, spread by seed, bulb, and bulblet. Wild garlic has 2–4 long narrow leaves that Wild Garlic or Wild Onion?

How to properly store your Dahlias over winter…

The Dahlia root should be dug up immediately after the frost has killed the foliage. When digging, lift the tubers carefully from the ground so they do not break. Carefully pull the soil away from the roots. Allow the tubers to dry out in a garage or dry basement for a few days. Then cut How to properly store your Dahlias over winter…

It’s time to fertilize your trees, shrubs & perennials

Late fall is the time to fertilize your trees, scrubs and perennials. When the ground becomes cold your plants will turn dormant. The cold temperatures will allow the nutrients to be held in the soil all winter. They will work their way down deep into the root systems of your plants. As the weather begins It’s time to fertilize your trees, shrubs & perennials