Long Island Nursery

Pruning Hydrangea

One of the questions that I’m most often asked is, “When is the proper time to prune hydrangea?” So I figured, why not write about it and get all my tips up on the website? So… Here goes! Hydrangea, while not native to North America are perhaps one of our favorite shrubs to cultivate. You Pruning Hydrangea


Is your lawn prone to flooding? Or do you have a water feature and want to decorate it with flowers, shrubs and/or trees? Careful when selecting for your wet soil sites, plants that are not specifically adapted to wet soil conditions eventually fall victim to root rot and rarely survive, let alone thrive. Feel free PLANTS FOR WET SOIL SITES

Variety = Resilience! Permaculture Tips & Techniques

Ever heard the phrase, “diversity makes us stronger”? Well as it turns out, that is true in your garden too! Permaculture is an agricultural philosophy that subscribes to the notion that diversity of plant-life = resilience in your garden/landscape. Or in other words the wider variety of plants you have growing close to eachother, the Variety = Resilience! Permaculture Tips & Techniques

7 Tips for Amazing Tomatoes!

1. Choose a bright, airy spot. Plant tomatoes where they will get at least 10 hours of light in summer. And leave room between plants for air to circulate. 2. Crop Rotation Alternate your tomato bed between even just two spots and you diminish the risk of soilborne diseases such as bacterial spot and early 7 Tips for Amazing Tomatoes!

Weed Control In April

Bonide Products & Weed Control in April Controlling weeds in April is often more challenging than other times of the year due to the fact that most weed killers do not work in colder weather. But in fact, controlling weeds early is the best way to keep them from getting out of control later on Weed Control In April

Seeding Your Lawn The Right Way

Going for the Green? Here Are A Few Tips: First, growing a beautiful lawn is NOT easy! It’s quite a process actually and requires patience, persistence and perseverance. Whether you are filling in a patchy lawn or growing grass from scratch in a section of bare earth, compost is key to your success and the Seeding Your Lawn The Right Way

We Support Fair Trade

Fair Trade Fair trade is an organized social movement whose stated goal is to help producers in developing countries achieve better trading conditions and to promote sustainability. Members of the movement advocate the payment of higher prices to exporters, as well as higher social and environmental standards Our Fair Trade Partners Click To See Their We Support Fair Trade

House-Plant Propagation: From One Come Many

House-Plant Propagation Nature has had billions of years to perfect it’s strategy for survival. Plants especially are capable of fascinating reproduction. For example by clipping the leaf from a Snake plant, such as the one pictured below, cutting it into three pieces and planting it in soil, a new plant will emerge in 12 weeks. House-Plant Propagation: From One Come Many

Just a Quick Post from a Proud Web Admin!

Hi there Giordano’s Blog Fans! Just a quick announcement, no frills attached. Giordano’s after 1 month of being online is now 1st-page-indexed on Google “naturally”. What does that mean? It means that you can search on google for ‘Giordanos’ (just that as a single word) and we’re on the first page for the first time! Just a Quick Post from a Proud Web Admin!

Bamboo Garden Gloves

Need new garden gloves? The seamless knit bamboo rayon liner keeps your hands cool and comfortable. The nitrile palm coat resists punctures and abrasion. Eco-friendly and comes in sizes S, M, L, XL. In stock now.

Natural Alternative Fertilizers

We Carry Organic and Alternative Fertilizers and care products Not only are they safer for you and your family, but organic fertilizers are also pet friendly and naturally increase the resilience of your garden/lawn/trees/shrubs   Click Here For Dr. Earth Products and More!