Glen Cove

Variety = Resilience! Permaculture Tips & Techniques

Ever heard the phrase, “diversity makes us stronger”? Well as it turns out, that is true in your garden too! Permaculture is an agricultural philosophy that subscribes to the notion that diversity of plant-life = resilience in your garden/landscape. Or in other words the wider variety of plants you have growing close to eachother, the Variety = Resilience! Permaculture Tips & Techniques

7 Tips for Amazing Tomatoes!

1. Choose a bright, airy spot. Plant tomatoes where they will get at least 10 hours of light in summer. And leave room between plants for air to circulate. 2. Crop Rotation Alternate your tomato bed between even just two spots and you diminish the risk of soilborne diseases such as bacterial spot and early 7 Tips for Amazing Tomatoes!