
Fix Blossom End Rot

Tomatoes, peppers, squash and eggplant often suffer from this affliction. It shows up as a blackish spot on the end of the fruit, opposite the stem. It is usually the result of overly wet or acid soil keeps the plant from absorbing calcium that builds cell strength. To prevent blossom end rot, apply a half Fix Blossom End Rot

Look for signs of this scale in the next few weeks!

     Azalea bark scale and cryptomeria scale can be seen in our area. Apply insecticidal soap or horticultural oil to treat crawlers in late June through late July. Giordano’s has these organic treatments by Bonide in stock. Do you have scale in your landscape? Learn how this harmful insect can be recognized & treated Look for signs of this scale in the next few weeks!

6 Amazing Facts About Earthworms

Introduction A garden without earthworms is simply amiss! Earthworms help to aerate your soil, break down essential nutrients, and improve water retention. Earthworms can grow up to 14-18″ in length in North America and can live for up to 8 years, though 2-3 years is much more likely as they support a large variety of 6 Amazing Facts About Earthworms

Variety = Resilience! Permaculture Tips & Techniques

Ever heard the phrase, “diversity makes us stronger”? Well as it turns out, that is true in your garden too! Permaculture is an agricultural philosophy that subscribes to the notion that diversity of plant-life = resilience in your garden/landscape. Or in other words the wider variety of plants you have growing close to eachother, the Variety = Resilience! Permaculture Tips & Techniques

Sorry Gertrude Stein!

Sorry Gertrude Stein, but a rose is not a rose, is not a rose. All roses, and for that matter, all plants are not created equal. Looks can be deceiving; the same type of plant that is offered for sale in the marketplace may look the same, but often it is not. A superior plant Sorry Gertrude Stein!

Eating pumpkins has health benefits!

They are loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties which help prevent cholesterol buildup in blood vessels. According to Oregon State University’s Linus Pauling Institute, pumpkins can help prevent or alleviate certain conditions, such as depression, kidney stones, cataracts, skin damage from the sun, and enlargement of the prostate gland. The best pumpkins for cooking and Eating pumpkins has health benefits!

These Are Not Your Mother’s Pansies!

Why plant pansies in the Fall? They are a hardy cold weather flower that can handle temperatures down into the 20s and usually return in the Spring spectacularly! To add color to your fall garden, Giordano’s has beautiful pansies at this time of year! Stop by today for our colorful selection. 3 for $8.99 5 These Are Not Your Mother’s Pansies!

House-Plant Propagation: From One Come Many

House-Plant Propagation Nature has had billions of years to perfect it’s strategy for survival. Plants especially are capable of fascinating reproduction. For example by clipping the leaf from a Snake plant, such as the one pictured below, cutting it into three pieces and planting it in soil, a new plant will emerge in 12 weeks. House-Plant Propagation: From One Come Many

Just a Quick Post from a Proud Web Admin!

Hi there Giordano’s Blog Fans! Just a quick announcement, no frills attached. Giordano’s after 1 month of being online is now 1st-page-indexed on Google “naturally”. What does that mean? It means that you can search on google for ‘Giordanos’ (just that as a single word) and we’re on the first page for the first time! Just a Quick Post from a Proud Web Admin!