

Hmm. That’s a tall order. Weeds common to your garden are naturally suited to the sun, soil, and water conditions of this area. That’s why it’s so hard to get rid of weeds after they’ve taken root. But if you prevent weed seeds from germinating, your garden can be weed-free. Here are some tips to IS IT POSSIBLE TO KEEP YOUR GARDEN FREE FROM WEEDS?

English Ivy – a Blessing or a Curse?

Last winter you may have been surprised to see a lot of local trees covered with green leaves. Except they weren’t on the branches, they were all along the trunk of the tree and headed for the sky. While the sight of green might cheer you in the winter time, what you are seeing is English Ivy – a Blessing or a Curse?


Your once beautiful garden is now a mass of spent vines, stubborn weeds, and greens gone to seed. Your poor, sad garden.

What is Companion Planting?

Companion gardening is the planting together of plants that have similar growing needs,Β  to maximize the production of both plants. It is still an experimental field with more research needed, but there are some things we do know and can pass along.

The Challenge of Controlling Weeds in April

Dandelion, clover, plantain and other broadleaf weeds are among the most common and troublesome pest problems in lawns. Even though most broadleaf weeds can be easily controlled with herbicides, a completely weed-free lawn is neither practical nor environmentally sensible. A safe and sound approach to lawn weed control is to grow healthy turf, spot-treat weeds The Challenge of Controlling Weeds in April

To Mulch or Not to Mulch? And When?

What is Mulch and Why is it Important? Mulch can be anything that covers the soil. It ‘s purpose is to retain moisture and prevent weeds, and help maintain soil temperature. It can be applied at different times of the year depending on the purpose. Towards the beginning of the growing season mulches serve initially To Mulch or Not to Mulch? And When?

The Science and Happiness of Mulching

Choosing the right mulch is essential to giving your plants the best possible conditions. Mulch improves plant growth, conserves moisture, reduces weed growth and moderates fluctuating temperatures. The contribution of mulch undoubtedly assists in the generation and balancing of an ideal micro-ecosystem for your landscape. Fork It On! Mulching is a Science, it turns out… The Science and Happiness of Mulching

Do you need to control weeds and reseed your lawn?

August 20th is also usually a good time to apply crabgrass or weed control if necessary. Be sure daytime temperatures are no higher than the low 80s. 70s are more ideal. Look for a still day with no rain in the forecast for 24 hours. Wait 2 weeks to seed after applying weed or crabgrass Do you need to control weeds and reseed your lawn?