
English Ivy – a Blessing or a Curse?

Last winter you may have been surprised to see a lot of local trees covered with green leaves. Except they weren’t on the branches, they were all along the trunk of the tree and headed for the sky. While the sight of green might cheer you in the winter time, what you are seeing is English Ivy – a Blessing or a Curse?

Thinking of Starting A Compost Pile?

What is Compost? `   Composting is nature’s process of recycling decomposed organic materials into a rich soil known as compost. Anything that was once living will decompose, such as yard waste, plant trimmings, leaves, grass clippings, soil with microbes and wet kitchen scraps (but not fat and meat). Basically, backyard composting is an acceleration Thinking of Starting A Compost Pile?


Suggested Pruning Time for Common Flowering Trees, Shrubs, & Vines Spring-Flowering Plants: Plants that bloom in early spring usually produce their flower buds the year before. The buds over-winter on the previous year’s growth and open in spring. Prune after flowering: Alternate-leaf Butterfly-bush (Buddleia alternifolia) Azalea (Rhododendron species) Beautybush (Kolkwitzia amabilis) Bigleaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla) PROPER TIMING FOR PRUNING FLOWERING PLANTS

Repairing Winter Damage In Your Garden

Winter Garden Damage – What Now? Winter can offer obstacles for our gardens.  Cold, snow, ice, freeze/thaw cycles, wind, salt from treating roads and sidewalks are a few that spring to mind. Most of those obstacles can be readily overcome, but some are more challenging. Cold, Snow, Freeze/Thaw Cycles – In Other Words, Normal Winter Repairing Winter Damage In Your Garden

Giordano’s Christmas Tree Truths Part II

How to Care  for Your Farm-Grown Christmas Tree When a Christmas tree is cut, more than half its weight is water. With proper care, you can maintain the quality of your tree. Below are a number of tips on caring for your tree.

It’s Not Too Early to Think About a Christmas Tree

Giordano Christmas Tree Truths (part I)   When Should I Shop for a Tree? The weekend after Thanksgiving is traditionally when most Christmas tree shopping begins. And you should shop for a Christmas tree as early as possible as it will pay off with less competition for higher quality Christmas tree selections and a fresher It’s Not Too Early to Think About a Christmas Tree

Look for signs of this scale in the next few weeks!

     Azalea bark scale and cryptomeria scale can be seen in our area. Apply insecticidal soap or horticultural oil to treat crawlers in late June through late July. Giordano’s has these organic treatments by Bonide in stock. Do you have scale in your landscape? Learn how this harmful insect can be recognized & treated Look for signs of this scale in the next few weeks!


Is your lawn prone to flooding? Or do you have a water feature and want to decorate it with flowers, shrubs and/or trees? Careful when selecting for your wet soil sites, plants that are not specifically adapted to wet soil conditions eventually fall victim to root rot and rarely survive, let alone thrive. Feel free PLANTS FOR WET SOIL SITES

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Viburnums

Viburnum nudum ‘Winterthur’,Common Name: Witherod Winterthur is a compact cultivar that produces fragrant white flowers that grow in clusters between April & June. The flowers provide nectar for butterflies, native bees & other pollinators. As the season transitions to later summer & fall the flowers are replaced by berries that turn color as they ripen; Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Viburnums

Soil pH for Landscape Plants

Come in and get a pH test kits or contact Cornell Cooperative Extension-Nassau  horticulture to determine your soil’s pH, then refer to this pH Chart to find the optimum pH for your plantings. A pH of 7 is neutral. To lower your pH (acid), add aluminum sulfate or to raise your pH (alkaline or basic), add Soil pH for Landscape Plants

Mycorrhizae: Endo & Ecto! Wait… What?

All About Mycorrhizae Symbiotic relationships exist throughout the natural world. Species tend to develop these mutually beneficial relationships in order to overcome certain obstacles and often they come to depend on the advantage that working together to achieve a common goal supplies. As it turns out one such symbiotic relationship exists that we can take Mycorrhizae: Endo & Ecto! Wait… What?

Natural Alternative Fertilizers

We Carry Organic and Alternative Fertilizers and care products Not only are they safer for you and your family, but organic fertilizers are also pet friendly and naturally increase the resilience of your garden/lawn/trees/shrubs   Click Here For Dr. Earth Products and More!