Now that the weather is turning cooler, many are starting to think more about their indoor plants than their outdoor ones.
While all indoor plants are technically tropical, our indoor environments aren’t the best for growing them. Most homes and offices have limited light, which gets even worse in the winter time. So, what are your options?
By shopping smart, you can find these plants, that require little to no sunlight to grow.
There are a number of peacock plants, all of which are low-light plants. Also known as Calethea, zebra, or rattlesnake plants, all are easy to care for. However, since the flouride in water can damage the leaves, it’s best to use distilled water or rainwater rather than tap water when watering. Frequent misting will make the plant happy, too, since it does best in high humidity.
In nature, they grow under the canopies of other plants where it’s bright but direct sun is limited. They do need some light to propagate.
You want your Bromeliad to be somewhere near but not in a window or windows with a west or south exposure. During the darker months, you may have to move it to a spot that gets more light.
With its distinctive sword-shaped leaves and easy care, dracaena makes a near-perfect houseplant.
Dracaena thrive in rich soil with plenty of organic material, such as a well-draining, peaty commercial potting soil. Water the plant thoroughly once a week, allowing the water to run through the container completely. Dracena thrive with only one or two feedings with a fertilizer designed for houseplants. Feed only between March and September.
NASA put the peace lily on its list of “Top Ten Household Air Cleaning Plants.” This tropical plant breaks down and neutralizes toxic gases like formaldehyde and carbon monoxide inside its pores. While we all appreciate cleaner, oxygenated air, it’s also the easy Peace Lily care and forgiving nature that makes them such popular house plants. One of the great advantages in caring for the Peace Lily is the fact that it lets you know when it needs water by sagging a bit. But if it does this every couple of days, then re-pot to a larger pot.
SNAKE PLANT (Sanseveria)
Also known for improving indoor air quality, the snake plant is also known as mother-in-law’s tongue (but why, not sure). Snake plants do well when you almost forget about them. Allow soil to dry between waterings and take extra special care not to over-water in winter. Try to avoid getting leaves wet when you water. Place your snake plants in indirect light (although they are tolerant of a variety of light conditions) and fertilize only during the growing season with an all-purpose plant food. (A word of caution, snake plants are toxic to dogs and cats).
Prayer plants, also known as Maranta leuconeura, are colorful perennials, ideal for rooms on the east or north side of your house where light levels are generally low. They have oval-shaped leaves splashed with bright green or pink blotches or stripes and can be grown in hanging pots or set on a table. In the evening and on cloudy days, prayer plants fold their leaves together like hands held in prayer.
Prayer plants are shallow-rooted plants. So, if they are planted in a deep container with too much soil below its roots, the soil stays soggy for too long and they will develop root rot. If you are potting your plant, always use a container with drain holes so the water can drain from the roots and the soil.
So, for the homeowner who doesn’t like to fuss, these plants will provide both a healthier and a more beautiful environment for you home. Come see our staff to help you find just the right plant for your house.